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How can I create and use note templates?
How does “notifying” work?
How do I set “permissions” or “visible to” restrictions when adding information into Wealthbox?
How can I create a status update and input CRM data right from the Home page in Wealthbox?
What is emoji messaging?
Do my coworkers see the same activity stream as I do?
What information is displayed in the activity stream, and who can see it?
What is @-mentioning?
What is the microphone icon in the publisher used for?
What is the publisher on the Wealthbox Home page?
Do completed tasks still show up in Wealthbox?
What is the activity stream on the Home page in Wealthbox?
What are the user interface components on the Home page in Wealthbox?
Can I add tags to notes already posted in Wealthbox?
How do I change my site name?
How can I see edits made to notes?
Can I filter my Activity Stream?
Where can I find my Wealthbox workspace ID?
How does “notifying” work?