Wealthbox integrates with Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive. Users have the ability to upload files from any of these cloud services, or, if you choose to upload from your computer, the files can be stored in the Wealthbox Cloud (which uses Amazon EC2).
To upload a file into Wealthbox:
1. Navigate to the files page from the left-side panel.
2. Click on “Attach File.”
3. Choose the source/service of where you would like to upload. (If you choose an integrated service, you will be asked for your login credentials).

4. Click “Choose File” or “Upload from My Computer” and drag any files into the window to upload.
5. Click “Save File.”
To upload files and link to a contact record:
1. Open your contact record page.
2. Click on “Files” above the contact’s activity stream.
3. Follow steps 2-5 above.