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What will I be able to do after the Wove integration is enabled?

Will Bowman
Will Bowman
  • Updated

After enabling, you will be able to import your Wove clients into Wealthbox on the import page. Keep in mind that if you have contact files from another source that include a lot of details, you will want to import that data first. The import process will skip duplicates, so you want to ensure the details exist in the first import.


You can also view clients' accounts and holdings on contact and household records.


Note: If your contacts already exist in Wealthbox, there is no need to import the Wove contacts. The SSN field allows the link between Wealthbox and Wove. Assuming the SSN is populated in Wealthbox, the link will be automatic. If there is no SSN, it will automatically link a contact if the first name and last name match, and there is only one matching Wove contact. If a contact is not automatically linked, you can manually Search and Connect the client.


Wove-Accounts-in-Wealthbox-Contact-Record _link-Client.png