To export data from Daylite CRM:
Select the appropriate view (i.e., one of People/Companies/Projects/ Opportunities/Groups/Tasks/ Appointments/Notes).
Choose View > Multi-Column List. Note: You can display additional columns by right- clicking the column header and selecting the columns you wish to display. You also also re-order the columns by dragging and dropping the column header to the desired position.
Select the record(s) you wish to export.
Choose File > Export > Export Visible Columns and Selected Rows to File.
In the sheet that opens, do the following:
Enter a file name and select a location to save the file.
Select CSV format to export.
You can stick to the default file encoding which is Unicode (UTF8).
Select the appropriate option for line endingsā¦ you should choose the line ending CRLF (Windows).
Click Save.
When you have your CSV file, you can then import to Wealthbox CRM.