To export a full backup of your SmartOffice account, you will need to reach out to SmartOffice directly.
To help you get started with Wealthbox, our Data Migration team offers a two-phase migration approach while you wait for your backup from SmartOffice. Phase one involves contact migration, which you can download yourself by following the instructions below. Phase two involves migrating all data found in the SmartOffice backup. Both phases need to be scheduled with Wealthbox by contacting our Data Migration team at
Login to SmartOffice and confirm that you have the Data Export Administrator Function

Pull a Contact list by clicking Sets > People & Companies > Contact

Click the Advanced Search option found in the blue bar at the top center of the SmartOffice screen. A search window will appear which allows you to search by "Type". Most advisors will pull ALL Contacts and Business Records for the phase one migration. This will ensure all contacts are included in the phase one import, but the Migration team will update the contacts by including additional details during phase two.
Click "Search" at the bottom of the Search window after you have made your selection.

A Contact list will appear and you will find a "customize list layout" button at the top of the page which allows you to include additional fields. Again because we will be pulling all data during the phase two migration, we recommend including the basics you will need to get up and running in Wealthbox.
Note: You will see an "all address", "all phone" and "all email" option but these details are not formatted in an acceptable format for our team to migrate. We will pull the additional phone, email, and addresses during the phase two migration. You will also see "All Households", and "All Key Relations". These options do not download in a way we can support linking the records during phase one, but we will be able to do so during phase two when you get the full backup. We can include these fields as custom fields for reference during phase one if that would be helpful.

First and Last Name
Household Name and Role
Primary Phone Number
Primary Email Address
Primary Address
Contact Type
Assigned to or Owner
Contact ID (this is important so we can match data during the phase two migration)
From the Menu option in the upper right corner, select "List Options" and the "Export List".

The XLS - MS Excel - Formatted option is the default option which will work well for phase one, limited fields migration.

When you select "OK", the Excel file will download automatically to your computer's default download folder.
When you schedule your migrations (phases one and two) the Data Migration team will provide all required instructions including a secure link to send your data files.