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What is the “Bulk Actions- Send An Email” feature?

Team Wealthbox
Team Wealthbox
  • Updated

In Wealthbox, under “Bulk Actions”, you can select contacts who you would like to send an email to.

To do so, simply select the contacts you would like to address in the email, then choose “Send an Email” under “Bulk Actions”:

Then select the message type of “Email Broadcast” or “Regular Email”:

For Email Broadcast, select your recipients and click “Compose Email”, and an email will slide out from the right hand side. This option will hide the recipient names in the received email:

For Regular Email,  select the recipient field of “Bcc, Cc, or To” and click “Compose Email”, an email will slide out from the right hand side. Note: You do not need a “To” field for Regular Email, but each recipient will be listed in the “To” line on the received email.

Note: You must abide by your email providers’ daily sending limits. You must also have synced your email address in the Email tab to have this option.

Although Wealthbox does not limit the number of emails you can send per day (this is your provider's limit), Wealthbox does limit emails to be sent in batches of 100 or less to prevent getting blocked as spam. We recommend setting your contacts page to display 100 contacts and sending one page at a time.