The integration between Wealthbox and Capitect allows users to see account details, balances, and positions for Capitect clients on Wealthbox contact record pages.
Enable the Capitect integration
To use the integration, you'll need to generate API keys from Capitect, then enable the integration within Wealthbox. Read on for step-by-step instructions...
How to generate API keys from within Capitect
To enable the integration between Wealthbox and Capitect, you'll first need to generate API keys within Capitect.
Log in to Capitect and click on "Integrations" in the header, then click "API Keys":

From the API Keys page, click "Add +", choose Wealthbox, and click the "Create API Key" button:

How to enable the Capitect integration in Wealthbox
From the three-dot menu in the top right corner of Wealthbox, click on "Applications", then click the "Settings" button for the Capitect application as shown in the below screenshot:

Enter the Capitect ID and API Key you generated for Wealthbox within Capitect and click the "Enable" button:

Once you connect successfully, you will see accounts for matching Capitect clients on contact record pages in Wealthbox.
Please note: The Capitect integration does not import contacts into Wealthbox. You will need to import or create the contacts in Wealthbox manually in order for their Capitect accounts to appear in the system.