The following data elements are what LPL sends in the nightly files to Wealthbox and what is displayed on Wealthbox contact records.
CLIENT information:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Residence Street1
Residence Street2
Residence City
Residence State
Residence ZipCode
Residence Country
Date of Birth
ACCOUNT information:
LPL Account Number
Account Name
Account Class Name (Ex: SAM II – Retirement)
Account Type (Ex: A – Individual)
Account Value
Advisory Fee Percent
Cash And Equivalents Total Amount
Open Date
Close Date
Funds Available
Investment Objective Code
IRA Type
Last Year Realized Gain Loss Amount
Required Min Distribution Amount
Required Min Distribution Remaining
YTD Contribution Amount
YTD Distribution Amount
YTD Realized Gain Loss Amount
POSITIONS information:
Security Type
Market Value
Market Value Date As of Date
Purchase Cost