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How to Enable the LPL ClientWorks Integration

Team Wealthbox
Team Wealthbox
  • Updated

The integration between Wealthbox and LPL ClientWorks allows users to:


Activating the ClientWorks/Wealthbox Integration

In order to activate the integration, you must complete the advisor registration process which can be initiated from either ClientWorks or Wealthbox.

  1. Log into ClientWorks.
    Note: You can reach ClientWorks from within Wealthbox by clicking the 3 dot icon in the top right corner, clicking on ‘Applications’, and then clicking ‘Connect’ in the LPL Financial application.

  2. Go to the Wealthbox CRM Resource Center page and click on ‘Advisor Registration.'


  3. Once you are on the Integration Dashboard page click ‘Register’ in the Wealthbox widget.


  4. Accept the LPL Terms and Conditions.


  5. Accept the Wealthbox Terms and Conditions.


  6. Registration Successful popup – Click on Clients to get navigated to the Clients tab to start linking your clients to Wealthbox or click on Wealthbox Resource Center page to get additional information, training, and resources.